If you have taken advantage of selling in the in the UK to move to a foreign country, you may find it is ten times more stressful than simply moving to a new house in familiar territory. This is because it marks a huge change in your life even if you have made a personal decision to move to a sunnier or more relaxed climate. Alternatively, you may be moving because you have been offered a job and the opportunity is just too good to turn down.
If your job is work-related your employers will not necessarily provide you with accommodation, so you must find it yourself. If you are unfamiliar with the place you are moving to it is best to rent a property for six months rather than rushing into buying somewhere. This is a good idea for two reasons, one it will give you a chance to really get to know the area and two if the job does not turn out as you expected you will not be left with a property to re-market or have to pay for until you are able to find another job.
If you are relocating to Spain and considering a property purchase you will find the paperwork is very similar to that in the U.K. as Spain is a member of the European Economic Community. At one time buying or renting a property in Spain involved a lot of red tape so it took a long time to close a deal but with the new online technology the process is now much quicker.
Once you have found somewhere the first thing you have to do is register as a Spanish resident which means you can use the health service but you are also liable to pay tax there. To do this you have to go personally to the town hall that serves your area followed by a visit to the Oficina de Extranjeria or local police station. You can find all the details of what you need to take with you on the website www.interior-28/cuidadanos-de-la-union-europea-718.If it is the first time you have looked at property to rent or buy in Spain you should find the nearest Gestoria. This is an official establishment which will help you fill in all the necessary forms for nearly all the stages of the transaction in return for a small charge.
If you decide to purchase a property straight away instead of rent and you need a mortgage from a Spanish bank you should take their recommendations for a good technical surveyor (el perito) and a notary public (el notario). You must have fully qualified, experienced people who speak English rather than use a local builder otherwise you could face serious problems even to the extent of having your mortgage application turned down. However, it is far better to rent first – this will give you time to make sure your chosen location is right for you.
Once you know you are moving to Spain you should start learning the language. Although reputedly one of the simplest languages to master it does take time to become fluent and understand the different accents. You will find the Spaniards are welcoming and friendly and will be only too pleased to help you with any language difficulties, but the Spanish speak words the way they are spelt so the easiest way to perfect your pronunciation and start speaking the language is to learn it phonetically.
When you first move to Spain you may get confused as although Spanish is the official language, some places use their own local language like the Basque region.
Spain has always been a top choice for British citizens to retire to so there are several websites available to help people thinking of moving there. The Spanish Citizens Advice Bureau has a Facebook page offering the latest information on living in the country. They will also give you tips on how to change your driving license or renew your passport as well as answering any queries you may have.